Personalised Gamer Mini Me Dolls From Snugzy
When we’re not creating the World’s Favourite Mini Me Cushions, the team at Snugzy can usually be found locked in a darkened room, headsets on, bringing retribution to our foes in the latest MMORPGs. If “MMORPG” makes no sense to you whatsoever, then don’t worry, but trust us - it’s a lot of fun.
If you have a gamer in your life, the chances are you only ever see them at meal-times or when they are forced to leave their bedroom to go to school, college or work. If this sounds familiar to you, then why not give them some company whilst they are locked away, with a Snugzy Personalised Gamer Mini Me.
We guarantee this unique gaming gift will be second only to the latest console in terms of appreciation. Upload your loved one’s photo and personalise the best gift for gamers in the world with Snugzy.